- 环境定义了动作空间及状态空间
- 此外还需要
$$ \begin{align} R(s_t, a_t) &= r_t \\ P(s_t, a_t) &= s_{t + 1} \end{align} $$
用 action
import gym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
def display_frames_to_viedo(frames, i):
shape = frames[0].shape
plt.figure(figsize=(shape[0] / 72, shape[1] / 72), dpi=72)
patch = plt.imshow(frames[0])
def animate(i):
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(plt.gcf(), animate, frames=range(len(frames)), interval=50)
env_name = 'CartPole-v1'
env = gym.make(env_name, render_mode="rgb_array")
for epoch in range(1, 5):
done = False
score = 0
state = env.reset()
frames = []
while not done:
action = env.action_space.sample()
observation, reward, done, truncated, info = env.step(action)
score += reward
print(f'epoch: {epoch}, total reward: {score}')
display_frames_to_viedo(frames, epoch)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim(0, 3)
ax.set_ylim(0, 3)
plt.plot([0, 1], [1, 1], color='red', linewidth=2)
plt.plot([1, 1], [1, 2], color='red', linewidth=2)
plt.plot([1, 2], [2, 2], color='red', linewidth=2)
plt.plot([2, 3], [1, 1], color='red', linewidth=2)
plt.text(0.5, 2.5, 'S0', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(1.5, 2.5, 'S1', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(2.5, 2.5, 'S2', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(0.5, 1.5, 'S3', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(1.5, 1.5, 'S4', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(2.5, 1.5, 'S5', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(0.5, 0.5, 'S6', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(1.5, 0.5, 'S7', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(2.5, 0.5, 'S8', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(0.5, 2.3, 'START', size=14, ha='center')
plt.text(2.5, 0.3, 'GOAL', size=14, ha='center')
line, = ax.plot([.5], [2.5], marker='o', color='g', markersize=60)
Agent action policy¶
- $\pi_{\theta}(s, a)$
- $s$: $S_0 \rightarrow S8$, discrete and finite ($3 \times 3$, grid world)
- $a$: $[0, 1, 2, 3]$, $\uparrow$, $\rightarrow$, $\downarrow$, $\leftarrow$
- representation
- function:
- table:
state * action
matrix $\star$
- function:
import numpy as np
# border & barrier
theta_0 = np.asarray([
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S0
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S1
[np.nan, np.nan, 1, 1], # S2
[1, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], # S3
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S4
[1, np.nan, np.nan, 1], # S5
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S6
[1, 1, np.nan, 1] # S7
def convert_theta_0_to_pi(theta):
m, n = theta.shape
pi = np.zeros((m , n))
for r in range(m):
pi[r, :] = theta[r, :] / np.nansum(theta[r, :])
return np.nan_to_num(pi)
def step(state, action):
if action == 0:
state -= 3
elif action == 1:
state += 1
elif action == 2:
state += 3
elif action == 3:
state -= 1
return state
actions = list(range(4))
pi = convert_theta_0_to_pi(theta_0)
state = 0
action_history = []
state_history = [state]
while True:
action = np.random.choice(actions, p=pi[state, :])
state = step(state, action)
if state == 8:
Rendering & animation¶
from matplotlib import animation
from IPython.display import HTML
def init():
line.set_data([[]], [[]])
return (line, )
def animate(i):
state = state_history[i]
x = (state % 3) + 0.5
y = 2.5 - int(state / 3)
line.set_data([x], [y])
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=len(state_history), interval=200, repeat=False)
MazeEnv Agent¶
from typing import Tuple
import gym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class MazeEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.state = 0
def reset(self) -> int:
self.state = 0
return self.state
def step(self, action):
if action == 0:
self.state -= 3
elif action == 1:
self.state += 1
elif action == 2:
self.state += 3
elif action == 3:
self.state -= 1
done = False
if self.state == 8:
done = True
return self.state, 1, done, {}
class Agent:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.actions = list(range(4))
self.theta_0 = np.asarray([
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S0
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S1
[np.nan, np.nan, 1, 1], # S2
[1, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], # S3
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S4
[1, np.nan, np.nan, 1], # S5
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S6
[1, 1, np.nan, 1] # S7
self.pi = self._convert_theta_0_to_pi(self.theta_0)
def _convert_theta_0_to_pi(self, theta):
m, n = theta.shape
pi = np.zeros((m , n))
for r in range(m):
pi[r, :] = theta[r, :] / np.nansum(theta[r, :])
return np.nan_to_num(pi)
def choose_action(self, state):
action = np.random.choice(self.actions, p=self.pi[state, :])
return action
env = MazeEnv()
state = env.reset()
agent = Agent()
done = False
action_history = []
state_history = [state]
while not done:
action = agent.choose_action(state)
state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=len(state_history), interval=200, repeat=False)
Policy Gradient¶
- $\theta$ 与 $\pi_{\theta}(s, a)$(给定 $\theta$ 特征参数 关于 $s$,$a$ 的函数),基于 $\theta$ 找到 $\pi_{\theta}$
- $\theta$ 是策略参数
- $\pi_{\theta}(s, a)$ 是策略(base $\theta$, policy)
- $\pi$ 表示分布
- 策略迭代(策略梯度,plolicy gradient)的含义
- $\theta_0 \rightarrow \pi_0, \theta_0 \rightarrow \theta_1, \theta_1 \rightarrow \pi_1$
def convert_theta_0_to_pi(theta): m, n = theta.shape pi = np.zeros((m , n)) for r in range(m): pi[r, :] = theta[r, :] / np.nansum(theta[r, :]) return np.nan_to_num(pi)
基于 softmax,更 general 的概率化方式¶
$$ \begin{align} P_k &= \frac{exp(z_k \cdot \beta)}{\sum_i{exp(z_i \cdot \beta)}} \\ &= \frac{exp(\tfrac{z_k}{T})}{\sum_i{exp(\tfrac{z_i}{T})}} \\ &= \frac{exp(\beta \cdot z_k)}{\sum_i{exp(\beta \cdot z_i)}} \\ \end{align} $$
def soft_convert_theta_0_to_pi(theta, beta=1.0):
m, n = theta.shape
pi = np.zeros((m, n))
exp_theta = np.exp(theta * beta)
for r in range(m):
pi[r, :] = exp_theta[r, :] / np.nansum(exp_theta[r, :])
pi = np.nan_to_num(pi)
return pi
参数 $\theta$ 更新¶
$\theta_{s_i, a_i} = \theta_{s_i, a_i} + \eta \cdot \Delta \theta_{s, a_i}$
$\Delta \theta_{s, a_i} = \frac{1}{T} \cdot (N(s_i, a_j) - P(s_i, a_j)N(s_i, a))$
import gym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class MazeEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.state = 0
def reset(self) -> int:
self.state = 0
return self.state
def step(self, action):
if action == 0:
self.state -= 3
elif action == 1:
self.state += 1
elif action == 2:
self.state += 3
elif action == 3:
self.state -= 1
done = False
if self.state == 8:
done = True
return self.state, 1, done, {}
class Agent:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.actions = list(range(4))
self.theta_0 = np.asarray([
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S0
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S1
[np.nan, np.nan, 1, 1], # S2
[1, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], # S3
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S4
[1, np.nan, np.nan, 1], # S5
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S6
[1, 1, np.nan, 1] # S7
self.eta = 0.1
self.theta = self.theta_0
self.pi = self._softmax_convert_theta_0_to_pi()
def _convert_theta_0_to_pi(self, theta):
m, n = theta.shape
pi = np.zeros((m , n))
for r in range(m):
pi[r, :] = theta[r, :] / np.nansum(theta[r, :])
return np.nan_to_num(pi)
def _softmax_convert_theta_0_to_pi(self, beta=1.0):
m, n = self.theta.shape
pi = np.zeros((m, n))
exp_theta = np.exp(self.theta * beta)
for r in range(m):
pi[r, :] = exp_theta[r, :] / np.nansum(exp_theta[r, :])
pi = np.nan_to_num(pi)
return pi
def update_theta(self, s_a_history):
T = len(s_a_history) - 1
m, n = self.theta.shape
delta_theta = self.theta.copy()
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
if not(np.isnan(self.theta_0[i, j])):
sa_i = [sa for sa in s_a_history if sa[0] == i]
sa_ij = [sa for sa in s_a_history if (sa[0] == i and sa[1] == j)]
N_i = len(sa_i)
N_ij = len(sa_ij)
delta_theta[i, j] = (N_ij - self.pi[i, j] * N_i) / T
self.theta = self.theta + self.eta + delta_theta
return self.theta
def update_pi(self):
self.pi = self._softmax_convert_theta_0_to_pi()
def choose_action(self, state):
action = np.random.choice(self.actions, p=self.pi[state, :])
return action
env = MazeEnv()
agent = Agent()
step_eps = 1e-4
while True:
state = env.reset()
s_a_history = [[state, np.nan]]
while True:
action = agent.choose_action(state)
s_a_history[-1][1] = action
state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
s_a_history.append([state, np.nan])
if state == 8 or done:
pi = agent.pi.copy()
delta = np.sum(np.abs(pi - agent.pi))
print(len(s_a_history), delta)
if delta < step_eps:
pi = agent.pi
array([[0. , 0.99541232, 0.00458768, 0.], [0. , 1. , 0. , 0.], [0. , 0. , 0.99741565, 0.00258435], [1. , 0. , 0. , 0.], [0. , 0.00970233, 0.99029767, 0.], [0.00381682, 0. , 0. , 0.99618318], [0. , 1. , 0. , 0.], [0.00145353, 0.99576995, 0. , 0.00277653]])
- reward
- 特定时间 $t$ 给到的奖励 $R_t$ 称为即时奖励(immediate reward)
- 未来的总奖励 $G_t$
- $G_t = R_{t + 1} + R_{t + 2} + R_{t + 3} + \cdots$
- $G_t = R_{t + 1} + \gamma R_{t + 2} + \gamma^2 R_{t + 3} + \cdots + \gamma^k R_{t + k + 1} + \cdots$
- 举例
- $Q_{\pi}(s = 7, a = 1) = R_{t + 1} = 1$
- $Q_{\pi}(s = 7, a = 0) = \gamma^2$
- action value, state value
- bellman equation
- 适用于状态价值函数(state value function),也适用于动作价值函数(action value function)
- mdp: markov decision process
- 马尔可夫性
- $p(s_{t + 1}|s_t) = p(s_{t + 1}|s_1, s_2, s_3, \cdots, s_t)$
- $t$ 时刻的状态转移到 $t + 1$ 时刻的状态应该和前面的状态无关,只和 $t$ 时刻的状态有关
- bellman equation 成立的前提条件
- 马尔可夫性
state, action reward, state, action
- $R_t$
- $Q_{\pi}(s, a)$: state action value funciton
- Q table
- 通过 Sarsa 算法迭代更新 $Q_{pi}(s, a)$
- 对于强化学习而言
- state, action, reward 都是需要精心设计的
import numpy as np
theta_0 = np.asarray([
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S0
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S1
[np.nan, np.nan, 1, 1], # S2
[1, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], # S3
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S4
[1, np.nan, np.nan, 1], # S5
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S6
[1, 1, np.nan, 1] # S7
n_states, n_actions = theta_0.shape
Q = np.random.rand(n_states, n_actions) * theta_0
array([[nan, 0.89526567, 0.85458108, nan], [nan, 0.69141077, nan, nan], [nan, nan, 0.90761197, 0.57464978], [0.80707793, nan, nan, nan], [nan, 0.54164057, 0.40533904, nan], [0.93912137, nan, nan, 0.4673623], [nan, 0.76428396, nan, nan], [0.1730892 , 0.83239731, nan, 0.94642327]])
$\epsilon$-greedy (explore, exploit)¶
def convert_theta_0_to_pi(theta):
m, n = theta.shape
pi = np.zeros((m, n))
for r in range(m):
pi[r, :] = theta[r, :] / np.nansum(theta[r, :])
return np.nan_to_num(pi)
# epsilon-greedy
def get_action(s, Q, epsilon, pi_0):
action_spaces = list(range(4))
# epsilon, explore
if np.random.rand() < epsilon:
action = np.random.choice(action_spaces, p=pi_0[s, :])
# 1 - epsilon, exploit
action = np.nanargmax(Q[s, :]) # 选择非 nan 的最大的参数作为 action
return action
pi_0 = convert_theta_0_to_pi(theta_0)
array([[0. , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.], [0. , 1. , 0. , 0.], [0. , 0. , 0.5 , 0.5], [1. , 0. , 0. , 0.], [0. , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.], [0.5 , 0. , 0. , 0.5], [0. , 1. , 0. , 0.], [0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0. , 0.33333333]])
Sarsa (Update $Q_{\pi}(s, a)$)¶
理想情况下: $$Q(s_t, a_t) = R_{t + 1} + \gamma Q(s_{t + 1}, a_{t + 1})$$
- td (temporal difference error) 现实情况是存在 TD Error 的
- $R_{t + 1} + \gamma Q(s_{t + 1}, a_{t + 1}) - Q(s_t, a_t)$
- final update equation 是一个迭代的过程,不断地更新当前 Q-Table 中的 value,$eta$ 是学习率
- $Q(s_t, a_t) = Q(s_t, a_t) + \eta \cdot (R_{t + 1} + \gamma Q(s_{t + 1}, a_{t + 1}) - Q(s_t, a_t))$
- $s_t, a_t, r_{t + 1}, a_{t + 1}$
- 折扣(discount factor, $\gamma$), 有助于缩短步数,更快地结束任务(王树森:距离当前状态越远的回报越不重要,通过乘上迭代因子,是较远的汇报不会影响当前的状态更新)
def sarsa(s, a, r, s_next, a_next, Q, eta, gamma):
if a_next == 8: # 将 Q[s_next, a_next]置为 0
Q[s, a] = Q[s, a] + eta * (r - Q[s, a])
Q[s, a] = Q[s, a] + eta * (r + gamma * Q[s_next, a_next] - Q[s, a])
Q learning¶
- sarsa: $Q(s_t, a_t) = Q(s_t, a_t) + \eta \cdot (R_{t + 1} + \gamma Q(s_{t + 1}, a_{t + 1}) - Q(s_t, a_t))$
- 策略依赖型(on)
- Q learning: $Q(s_t, a_t) = Q(s_t, a_t) + \eta \cdot (R_{t + 1} + \gamma \max_a{Q(s_{t + 1}, a)} - Q(s_t, a_t))$
- 策略关闭型(off)
解决 Maze 问题¶
import gym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class MazeEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.state = 0
def reset(self) -> int:
self.state = 0
return self.state
def step(self, action):
if action == 0:
self.state -= 3
elif action == 1:
self.state += 1
elif action == 2:
self.state += 3
elif action == 3:
self.state -= 1
done = False
reward = 0
if self.state == 8:
done = True
reward = 1
return self.state, reward, done, {}
class Agent:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.action_spaces = list(range(4))
self.theta = np.asarray([
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S0
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, 1], # S1
[np.nan, np.nan, 1, 1], # S2
[1, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], # S3
[np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan], # S4
[1, np.nan, np.nan, 1], # S5
[np.nan, 1, np.nan, np.nan], # S6
[1, 1, np.nan, 1] # S7
self.eta = 0.1
self.Q = np.random.rand(*self.theta.shape) * self.theta
self.pi = self._convert_theta_0_to_pi()
self.eta = 0.1
self.gamma = 0.9
self.epsilon = 0.5
def _convert_theta_0_to_pi(self):
m, n = self.theta.shape
pi = np.zeros((m, n))
for r in range(m):
pi[r, :] = self.theta[r, :] / np.nansum(self.theta[r, :])
return np.nan_to_num(pi)
def get_action(self, s):
# epsilon, explore
if np.random.rand() < self.epsilon:
action = np.random.choice(self.action_spaces, p=self.pi[s, :])
# 1 - epsilon, exploit
action = np.nanargmax(self.Q[s, :]) # 选择非 nan 的最大的参数作为 action
return action
def sarsa(self, s, a, r, s_next, a_next):
if s_next == 8: # 将 Q[s_next, a_next]置为 0
self.Q[s, a] = self.Q[s, a] + self.eta * (r - self.Q[s, a])
self.Q[s, a] = self.Q[s, a] + self.eta * (r + self.gamma * self.Q[s_next, a_next] - self.Q[s, a])
def q_learning(self, s, a, r, s_next):
if s_next == 8: # 将 Q[s_next, a_next]置为 0
self.Q[s, a] = self.Q[s, a] + self.eta * (r - self.Q[s, a])
self.Q[s, a] = self.Q[s, a] + self.eta * (r + self.gamma * np.nanmax(self.Q[s_next, :]) - self.Q[s, a])
env = MazeEnv()
agent = Agent()
step_eps = 1e-5
epoch = 0
while True:
old_Q = np.nanmax(agent.Q, axis=1)
state = env.reset()
action = agent.get_action(state)
s_a_history = [[state, np.nan]]
while True:
s_a_history[-1][1] = action
s_next, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
s_a_history.append([state, np.nan])
if done:
a_next = np.nan
a_next = agent.get_action(s_next)
# print("state: {}, action: {}, reward: {}, state next: {}, action next: {}".format(state, action, reward, s_next, a_next))
# agent.sarsa(state, action, reward, s_next, a_next)
agent.q_learning(state, action, reward, s_next)
if done:
action = a_next
s = env.state
update = np.sum(np.abs(np.nanmax(agent.Q, axis=1) - old_Q))
epoch += 1
agent.epsilon /= 2
print(epoch, update, len(s_a_history))
if epoch > 100 or update < step_eps:
1 0.3969946358867419 151 2 0.04794612123903408 133 3 0.0045946340032387845 117 4 0.03443967892420008 685 5 0.05449738145685423 803 6 0.0002458977956059094 651 7 0.012437379911240165 2007 8 0.012714619543213956 11469 9 0.0 2419
Cart Pole¶
import numpy as np
import gym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
from matplotlib import animation
from JSAnimation.IPython_display import display_animation
from IPython.display import display, HTML
重新认识 cartpole 环境¶
- 小滑块 / 倒立板
- 典型的 MDP(Markov Decision Process)
- 下一时刻的状态(转移)$s_{t + 1}$ 只跟当前状态 $s_t$ 和 $s_t$(当前状态下采取的动作)有关
- action space is discrete and finite
- state (observation) space is continuous
One Episode¶
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0', render_mode="rgb_array")
state = env.reset()
steps = 0
frames = []
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
observation, state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
steps += 1
print(f'steps: {steps}, state: {observation}')
if done:
def display_frames_as_gif(frames, output):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(frames[0].shape[1] / 72.0, frames[0].shape[0] / 72.0), dpi=72)
patch = plt.imshow(frames[0])
def animate(i):
img = patch.set_data(frames[i])
return img
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(plt.gcf(), animate, frames=len(frames), interval=50)
return HTML(anim.to_jshtml())
display_frames_as_gif(frames, output='rand_cartpole.gif')
# 分桶,5 个值对应 6 个分段,即 6 个桶
def bins(clip_min, clip_max, num_bins=NUM_DIGITIZED):
return np.linspace(clip_min, clip_max, num_bins + 1)[1:-1]
# 按 6 进制映射,将 4 位 6 进制映射为 id
def digitize_state(observation):
pos, cart_v, angle, pole_v = observation
digitize = [
np.digitize(pos, bins=bins(-2.4, 2.4, NUM_DIGITIZED)),
np.digitize(cart_v, bins=bins(-3, 3, NUM_DIGITIZED)),
np.digitize(angle, bins=bins(-0.418, 0.418, NUM_DIGITIZED)),
np.digitize(pole_v, bins=bins(-2, 2, NUM_DIGITIZED)),
ind = sum([d * (NUM_DIGITIZED ** i) for i, d in enumerate(digitize)])
return ind
class Agent:
def __init__(self, action_space, n_states, eta=0.5, gamma=0.09, NUM_DIGITIZED=6) -> None:
self.eta = eta
self.gamma = gamma
self.action_space = action_space
self.q_table = np.random.uniform(0, 1,size=(NUM_DIGITIZED ** n_states, self.action_space.n))
# 分桶,5 个值对应 6 个分段,即 6 个桶
def bins(clip_min, clip_max, num_bins):
return np.linspace(clip_min, clip_max, num_bins + 1)[1:-1]
# 按 6 进制映射,将 4 位 6 进制映射为 id
def digitize_state(observation, NUM_DIGITIZED):
pos, cart_v, angle, pole_v = observation
digitize = [
np.digitize(pos, bins=Agent.bins(-2.4, 2.4, NUM_DIGITIZED)),
np.digitize(cart_v, bins=Agent.bins(-3, 3, NUM_DIGITIZED)),
np.digitize(angle, bins=Agent.bins(-0.418, 0.418, NUM_DIGITIZED)),
np.digitize(pole_v, bins=Agent.bins(-2, 2, NUM_DIGITIZED)),
ind = sum([d * (NUM_DIGITIZED ** i) for i, d in enumerate(digitize)])
return ind
def q_learning(self, obs, action, reward, obs_next):
obs_ind = Agent.digitize_state(obs, self.NUM_DIGITIZED)
obs_next_ind = Agent.digitize_state(obs_next, self.NUM_DIGITIZED)
self.q_table[obs_ind, action] = self.q_table[obs_ind, action] +\
self.eta * (reward + max(self.q_table[obs_next_ind, :]) - self.q_table[obs_ind, action])
def choose_action(self, state, episode):
eps = 0.5 * 1 / (episode + 1)
state_ind = Agent.digitize_state(state, self.NUM_DIGITIZED)
if random.random() < eps:
action = self.action_space.sample()
action = np.argmax(self.q_table[state_ind, :])
return action
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0', render_mode="rgb_array")
action_space = env.action_space
n_states = env.observation_space.shape[0]
agent = Agent(action_space, n_states)
max_episode = 1000
max_steps = 200
continue_success_episodes = 0
learning_finish_flag = False
frames = []
for episode in range(max_episode):
obs = env.reset()
obs = obs[0]
for step in range(max_steps):
if learning_finish_flag:
action = agent.choose_action(obs, episode)
obs_next, _, done, _, _ = env.step(action)
if done:
if step < 150:
reward -= 1
continue_success_episodes = 0
reward = 1
continue_success_episodes += 1
reward = 0
agent.q_learning(obs, action, reward, obs_next)
obs = obs_next
if done:
print(f'episode: {episode}, finish {step} time steps.')
if learning_finish_flag:
if continue_success_episodes >= 10:
learning_finish_flag = True
print(f'continue success(step > 195) more than 10 times.')
display_frames_as_gif(frames, output='q_learning_cartpole.gif')
Outline & Summary¶
- Q-Learning => DQN(Deep Q Learning Network)
- Q-Learning base q-table
- state 需要处理成离散的(discrete)
- q-table:行是 state,列是 action
- $Q(s, a)$:动作价值(value),不是概率分布
- $Q(s_t, a_t)$ 是在时刻 $t$,状态 $s_t$ 下采取的动作 $a_t$ 时获得的折扣奖励总和(discounted total reward)
- Image(pixels)作为状态的话,状态变量的数量非常大
- DQN:nn(state)=> action value
- q-table => q-function(拟合 / 回归,state vector 与 action value 的关系)
- 输入 & 输出:
- 输入(input):state vector
- CartPole:4 维向量(位置、速度、角度和角速度)
- 输出(output):action space value, $Q(s_t, a_t)$
- shape:action space size
- CartPole:2 维(left/right)
- 输入(input):state vector
DQN 算法¶
$$ \begin{align} Q(s_t, a_t) &= Q(s_t, a_t) + \eta \cdot (R_{t + 1} + \gamma \max_a{Q(s_{t + 1}, a)} - Q(s_t, a_t)) \\ Q(s_t, a_t) &= R_{t + 1} + \gamma \max_a{Q(s_{t + 1}, a)} \end{align} $$
- iteration algorithm
- temporal difference error (TD): $R_{t + 1} + \gamma \max_a{Q(s_{t}, a)} - Q(s_t, a_t)$
- learning objective
- MES (square loss): $E(s_t, a_t) = (R_{t + 1} + \gamma \max_a{Q(s_{t}, a)} - Q(s_t, a_t))^2$
- experience replay (经验回放)
- 不像 q-table 的 Q-Learning,每一步都学习(update)该步的内容(experience)
- 对于 q-table 而言,每一步(step)都学习该步内容,神经网络连续地学习时间上相关性高的内容(事实上,时间 $t$ 的学习内容和时间 $t + 1$ 的学习内容非常相似,这样的话收敛就会很慢)
- 而是将每一步(step)的内容存储在经验池(experience pool)并随即从经验池中提取内容(replay,回放)让 NN 学习
- 也可以使用批次(batch),使用经验池中的多个步骤的经验
- 不像 q-table 的 Q-Learning,每一步都学习(update)该步的内容(experience)
- loss function 使用 huber 而不是 square loss
- 误差很大时($|\delta| > 1$),平方差会导致误差函数的输出过大,导致学习难以确定
$$ \mathcal{L}(\delta) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2} \delta ^2, & |\delta| \leq 1 \\ |\delta| - \frac{1}{2}, & |\delta| > 1 \end{cases} $$
$\delta$ 就是 $Q(s_t, a_t)$ 和 $R_{t + 1} + \gamma \max_a{Q(s_{t + 1}, a)}$ 的差
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def huber_loss(delta, beta=1):
if np.abs(delta) <= beta:
return 0.5 * delta ** 2 / beta
return abs(delta) - 0.5 * beta
def square_loss(delta):
return 0.5 * delta ** 2
deltas = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)
plt.plot(deltas, [huber_loss(delta) for delta in deltas])
plt.plot(deltas, [square_loss(delta) for delta in deltas])
plt.xticks(np.arange(-5, 5, step=1))
plt.legend(['huber loss', 'square loss'])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2516c80d3a0>
from collections import namedtuple
from torch import nn
from torch import optim
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
import random
# 可以使用关键字访问
# s_t, a_t = s_{t + 1}
Transition = namedtuple('Transition', ('state', 'action', 'next_state', 'reward'))
t = []
for i in range(32):
t.append(Transition(torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]), 2, 3, 4))
t = random.sample(t, 4)
t = Transition(*zip(*t))
state = torch.cat(t.state)
(tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]), tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]), tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]), tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]))
每次和环境交互产生的一次 Transition,都放到经验回放池中,用于批次化的训练,增加训练过程的稳定性
class ReplayMemory:
def __init__(self, capacity) -> None:
self.capacity = capacity
self.memory = []
self.index = 0
def __len__(self):
return len(self.memory)
def sample(self, batch_size):
return random.sample(self.memory, batch_size)
def push(self, state, action, next_state, reward):
# 循环的往 memory 中 push
if len(self.memory) < self.capacity:
# 占位
self.memory[self.index] = Transition(state, action, next_state, reward)
self.index = (self.index + 1) % self.capacity
# Q function base network
class DQN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_states, n_actions):
super(DQN, self).__init__()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(n_states, 128)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 128)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(128, n_actions)
def forward(self, x):
# x.shape: batch_size * n_states
layer1 = self.fc1(x)
layer1 = F.relu(layer1)
layer2 = self.fc2(layer1)
layer2 = F.relu(layer2)
layer3 = self.fc3(layer2)
return layer3
- 计算过程中 tensor shape 的变化以及 shape 的对齐
class Agent:
def __init__(self, n_states, n_actions, eta=0.5, gamma=0.99, capacity=10000, batch_size=32):
self.n_states = n_states
self.n_actions = n_actions
self.eta = eta
self.gamma = gamma
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.memory = ReplayMemory(capacity)
self.model = DQN(n_states, n_actions)
self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
def _replay(self):
if len(self.memory) < self.batch_size:
# list of transition
batch = self.memory.sample(self.batch_size)
# Transition, column: tuple -> len(tuple) == batch_size
batch = Transition(*zip(*batch))
# s_t.shape: batch_size * 4
state_batch = torch.cat(batch.state)
# a_t.shape: batch_size * 1
action_batch = torch.cat(batch.action)
# r_{t + 1}.shape: batch_size * 1
reward_batch = torch.cat(batch.reward)
# < batch_size
non_final_next_state_batch = torch.cat([s for s in batch.next_state if s is not None])
# 构造模型训练用的输入和输出
# s_t: input
# pred: Q(s_t, a_t)
# true; R_{t + 1} + \gamma \max_a{Q(s_{t + 1}, a)}
# 开启 eval 模式
# pred
state_action_values = self.model(state_batch).gather(dim=1, index=action_batch)
# true; R_{t + 1} + \gamma \max_a{Q(s_{t + 1}, a)}
non_final_mask = torch.ByteTensor(tuple(map(lambda s: s is not None, batch.next_state)))
next_state_values = torch.zeros(self.batch_size)
next_state_values[non_final_mask] = self.model(non_final_next_state_batch).max(dim=1)[0].detach()
expected_state_action_values = reward_batch + self.gamma * next_state_values
# 开启 train mode
# (batch_size,) => (batch_size, 1)
loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(state_action_values, expected_state_action_values.unsqueeze(1))
def update_q_function(self):
# action policy
# epsilon greedy
# double e: explore, exploit
def choose_action(self, state, episode):
eps = 0.5 * 1 / (1 + episode)
if random.random() < eps:
action = torch.IntTensor([[random.randrange(self.n_actions)]])
with torch.no_grad():
action = self.model(state).max(1)[1].view(1, 1)
return action
def memorize(self, state, action, next_state, reward):
self.memory.push(state, action, next_state, reward)
Agent 与 env 进行交互
import gym
env = gym.make('CartPole-v1', render_mode="rgb_array")
n_states = env.observation_space.shape[0]
n_actions = env.action_space.n
max_episode = 500
max_steps = 200
complete_episode = 0
agent = Agent(n_states, n_actions)
for episode in range(max_episode):
state = env.reset()
state = torch.from_numpy(state[0]).type(torch.FloatTensor).unsqueeze(0)
for step in range(max_steps):
# IntTensor of 1 * 1
action = agent.choose_action(state, episode)
# transition on env
next_state, _, done, _, _ = env.step(action.item())
if done:
next_state = None
if step < 195:
reward = torch.FloatTensor([-1, 1])
complete_episode = 0
reward = torch.FloatTensor([1.])
complete_episode += 1
reward = torch.FloatTensor([0])
next_state = torch.from_numpy(next_state).type(torch.FloatTensor)
next_state = next_state.unsqueeze(0)
agent.memorize(state, action, next_state, reward)
state = next_state
if done:
print(f'episode: {episode}, steps: {step}')
if complete_episode >= 10:
print('连续成功 10 轮')
Deep policy gradient on cartpole¶
- Q Learning => DQN
- deep networks 去逼近 Q function (action value),回归问题
- 输出的不是概率,而是 action value
- Policy Gradient => Deep Policy Gradient
- deep networks 去逼近 $\pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t)$
- 输出的是概率分布,所以最后一层要加 softmax 做概率化
Policy Network¶
function REINFORCE
$\qquad$ Initialize $\theta$ arbitrarily
each episode $\{s_1, a_1, r_2, \cdots, s_{T - 1}, a_{T - 1}, r_t \} \sim \pi_{\theta}$ do
$\qquad\qquad$ for
$t = 1$ to $T - 1$ do
$\qquad\qquad\qquad \theta \leftarrow \theta + \alpha \nabla_{\theta} \mathbf{log} \pi_{\theta}(s_t, a_t)v_t$
$\qquad\qquad$end for
$\qquad$end for
end function
Total discounted future returned reward¶
Calculate the total returned reward $v_t$ or $G_t$
$\qquad v_t$ or $G_t = \mathbf{sum}(r_t \enspace \text{to} \enspace r_T)$
$\qquad v_0$ or $G_0 = r_0 + \gamma r_1 + \gamma^2 r_2 + \gamma^3r_3 +\gamma^4 r_4 + \cdots + \gamma^{T - 1} r_{T - 1} + \gamma^T r_T$
$\qquad v_1$ or $G_1 = \gamma r_1 + \gamma^2 r_2 + \gamma^3 r_3 + \gamma^4 r_4 + \cdots + \gamma^{T - 1} r_{T - 1} + \gamma^T r_T$
$\qquad v_2$ or $G_2 = \gamma^2 r_2 + \gamma^3 r_3 + \gamma^4 r_4 + \cdots + \gamma^{T - 1} r_{T - 1} + \gamma^T r_T$
$\qquad \cdots$
$\qquad v_T$ or $G_T = \gamma^T r_T$
$$ \sum_t{\nabla_{\theta} \mathbf{log} \pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t)G_t} $$
上述的梯度更新的公式是最大化总 reward 的期望,而神经网络是最小化一个目标
- $v_t = G_t = \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty}{\gamma^kR_{t + k + 1}}$
- discounted future reward
- 当前动作的 reward 通过基于当前状态的未来 reward 折现进行估计
- 把未来的动作的奖励折现,来衡量当前动作的奖励偏差
- Policy gradient algorithm
- Perform a trajectory/roll-out(mcts 中的概念) using the current policy (fixed $\pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t)$ 神经网络来表示)
trajectory: $\tau = (s_1, a_1, r_2, s_2, a_2, r_3, \cdots)$
s = env.reset() a, log_p = policy(s) # 返回 action 和 action 对应的概率 next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(a) if done == True: break s = next_state
Store $\mathbf{log}$ probabilities (of policy, $\mathbf{log}\pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t)$) and reward values at each step
- 概率通过 policy network 获得
- Calculate discounted cumulative future reward ($G_t$) at each step
- Compute policy gradient($\nabla\mathbf{J}(\theta)$) and update policy parameter (gradient decent)
- 反向传播,梯度更新是神经网络完成的
- $\text{loss} = -\sum_t{\mathbf{log}(\pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t))G_t}$
- Repeat 1 - 3
- Perform a trajectory/roll-out(mcts 中的概念) using the current policy (fixed $\pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t)$ 神经网络来表示)
Policy Network¶
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch import optim
from torch import autograd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import gym
class PolicyNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_states, num_actions, hidden_size, learning_rate=1e-4):
super(PolicyNetwork, self).__init__()
self.num_actions = num_actions
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(num_states, hidden_size)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_actions)
self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
def forward(self, x):
# x: state 批次化, x.shape == (batch, num_states), batch: 一次完整的 trajectory 经历的 steps
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.softmax(self.fc2(x), dim=1)
# return: (batch, num_action), 行和为 1,概率化输出
return x
def choose_action(self, state):
# given state
# state.shape (4,), 1d numpy ndarray 一维的行向量 -> (1, 4) 一行四列的向量
state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().unsqueeze(0)
# probs = self.forward(autograd.Variable(state))
probs = self.forward(state)
# 依概率采样
highest_prob_action = np.random.choice(self.num_actions, p=np.squeeze(probs.detach().numpy()))
# 把概率转换成 log_p
log_prob = torch.log(probs.squeeze(0)[highest_prob_action])
# log_p < 0,p 本身是小于 0 的,所以 log_p < 0
return highest_prob_action, log_prob
Discounted Future Reward¶
GAMMA = 0.9
$$G_t = \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty}{\gamma^kR_{t + k + 1}}$$
# rewards 由一次 episode 的 trajectory 产生
def discounted_future_reward(rewards):
discounted_rewards = []
for t in range(len(rewards)):
G_t = 0
pw = 0
for r in rewards[t:]:
G_t += (GAMMA ** pw) * r
pw += 1
return discounted_rewards
Update Policy¶
def update_policy(policy_network, rewards, log_probs):
# len(rewards) == len(log_probs)
# G_t
discounted_rewards = discounted_future_reward(rewards)
# normalize discounted rewards => stability
discounted_rewards = torch.tensor(discounted_rewards)
discounted_rewards = (discounted_rewards - discounted_rewards.mean()) / (discounted_rewards.std() + 1e-9)
policy_grads = []
for log_prob, G_t in zip(log_probs, discounted_rewards):
policy_grads.append(-log_prob * G_t)
policy_grad = torch.stack(policy_grads).sum()
env = gym.make('CartPole-v1', render_mode="rgb_array")
policy_net = PolicyNetwork(env.observation_space.shape[0], env.action_space.n, 128)
max_episode = 3000
max_steps = 500
num_steps = []
avg_num_steps = []
all_rewards = []
for episode in range(max_episode):
state = env.reset()
state = state[0]
log_probs = []
rewards = []
for step in range(max_steps):
action, log_prob = policy_net.choose_action(state)
next_state, reward, done, _, _ = env.step(action)
if done:
# 完成一次 episode/rollout,得到一次完整 trajectory
update_policy(policy_net, rewards, log_probs)
if episode % 50 == 0:
print(f'episode: {episode}, total reward: {sum(rewards)}, average reward: {np.mean(all_rewards)}, length: {step}')
state = next_state